Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Mandarin Chinese-- Lesson 32 (Documents in Chinese)

Chinese Language Learning Program

Lesson 32 – Documents in Chinese

Hello, everyone. It is so nice to see you again today. This is Baixue’s Chinese Language Learning Program. Last time, we talked about taking a flight in Chinese. Today, we are going to talk about documents in mandarin Chinese.

Let’s see the text.

gè  rén  xìn  xī                                                     xìng mīng
          (personal information)                (name)

xìng  bié                               nán                         nǚ
      (Sex/gender)        (Male)                 (Female)

chū shēng  rì  qī                                 nián           yuè                 rì
            (Date of birth)      (year)     (month)    (day)

chū shēng  dì                                   diàn huà  hào mǎ
               (place of birth)                    (Telephone number)

diàn zī xìn xiāng                            dì  zhí
          (E-mail)                   (address)

jiē dào                 chéng shì               shěng  fèn
  (street)              (city)                (province)

yóu zhèng biān mǎ                           qiān míng
                   (zip code)                (signature)

jià zhào                                    tián biǎo gē
   (driver license)                    (fill in/out a form)

qiān zhèng                            chū shēng zhèng míng
        (visa)                                           (birth certificate)

jiē hūn zhèng                                           shēn fèn zhèng
        (marriage certificate)                    (identification card)

shēn qíng  hù  zhào
                 (apply for a passport)

bì  yè zhèng                      xué  wèi zhèng
     (diploma)                   (degree certificate)

Ok, Homework for today.

Please practice what we have learned today. We will talk about some Chinese culture in our next class.

Ok, that is all for today.

xiè  xiè 

xià   cì   jiàn 
      ! (See you next time!)

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