Chinese Language Learning Program
Lesson 60 – Sentence structure with “bà” in Chinese
Hello, everyone. Welcome back. This is Baixue’s Chinese
Language Learning Program. Today, we will talk about Sentence pattern with “ba”
in Chinese.
The sentence structure with "bà"
“bà” is used as a
preposition in sentences. And “bà” means “make”, “take” or ”have” etc. Let’s
talk about these sentences.
( A ) The subject in the sentence with " bà "
The subject in the sentence with "bà" is
usually a noun, pronoun, verb-object noun phrase or phrases and is the one
which makes the action of the verb predicate. For example:
1. hǎi shuǐ bà yán shí fǔ shí le. (míng cí)
海 水 吧 岩 石 腐 蚀 了。(名 词)
(Sea water eroded the rocks. ( Noun ))
2. tā bà nà běn shū kàn wán le. (dài cí)
他 把 那 本 书 看 完 了。(代 词)
(He finished the
book. (Pronoun))
3. zhì rè de yáng guāng bà yán cóng hǎi shuǐ
炙 热 的 阳 光 把 盐 从 海 水
lǐ shài chū lái
le. (míng cí xìng duǎn yǔ)
里 晒 出 来了。( 名 词 性 短 语)
(The hot sun made the
salt out from sea water.
(Noun phrases))
4. jīng cháng áo yè dǎ wǎng luò yóu xì bà tā de yǎn
经 常 熬 夜 打 网 络 游 戏 把 他 的 眼
jīng dōu nòng
huài le. (dòng bīn duǎn yǔ)
睛 都 弄 坏 了。(动宾短语)
(It will ruined your
eyes to stay up a lot for
playing online games. (Verb-object phrase)
(B) The object of the preposition “bà” in the sentence
with “bà”
The object of the preposition "bà" is very
important. Without this object, there is no "bà". The object of the preposition
"bà" is actually the receiver of the verb predicate. The object in the
sentence is usually a noun, but sometimes a verb also possible. For example:
1. tā bà zì xíng chē xiū hǎo le. (míng cí)
他 把 自 行 车 修 好 了。(名 词)
(He repaired
his bike. (A noun))
2. tā bà kǎn jià xué huì le. (dòng cí)
他 把 砍 价 学 会 了。(动 词)
(He learned
how to bargain. (Verb))
(C ) the predicate
in the sentence with " bà "
The predicate in the sentence with "bà" must be
a transitive verb, and is generally able to dominate or influence the object of
the preposition “bà”. For example:
1. wǒ zuó tiān bà shū hái gěi tú shū guǎn le.
我 昨 天 把 书 还 给 图 书 馆 了。
(I returned the
book to the library yesterday.)
2. wǒ bà diàn yǐng piào nòng diū le.
我 把 电 影 票 弄 丢 了。
(I lost the
movie tickets.)
Usually a complete sentence is more stringent follow the
"Subject + predicate (Verb) + Object"
sequence structure. The sentence with “ba” is a feature of the object in advance,
so its order is “Subject + 'ba' + object +
predicate (Verb)”. It means “take”, “have” or “make”. There are other
words equivalent to "ba" --- "jiāng,将" "ná拿" etc.
qǐng jiáng shū fān dào 53 yè.
请 将 书 翻 到 53 页。(you can use “ba”)
(Please turn to page 53.)
Ok, I hope I make this lesson clearly enough to be
understood. If you have any questions about the sentences with “bà”, please
leave me a message and I will response to you ASAP.
Ok, that is all for today.
xiè xiè!
谢 谢 ! (Thanks!)
xià cì jiàn
下 次 见! (See you next time!)