Chinese Language Learning Program
Lesson 195 – About tax words in Chinese
Hello, everyone. Welcome back. This is Baixue’s Chinese
Language Learning Program. Last time we learned the difference between “毕竟” and “究竟”in Chinese. Today, we
will learn some words about tax words in Chinese.
shuì shuì wù jú
税 (Tax) 税 务 局 (tax bureau; tax
gè rén suǒ dé shuì
个 人 所 得 税 (personal income tax)
shuì shōu nà shuì rén
税 收 (pay taxes,pay duty) 纳 税 人 (纳税人)
shuì lǜ xiāo fèi shuì
税 率 (Tax rate) 消 费 税 (Sale tax)
guān shuì
关 税 (customs tax;
customs duty)
yí chǎn shuì
遗 产 税 (Inheritance Tax)
fáng chǎn shuì shuì mù
房 产 税 (property tax) 税 目 (tax denomination)
nà shuì qí xiàn miǎn shuì
纳 税 期 限 (Tax deadline) 免 税 (duty-free)
dǐ shuì tuì shuì
抵 税 (tax credits) 退 税 (tax refund)
shēng chǎn xiāo shòu
生 产 销 售 税 (Manufacturing Sales Tax,MST)
líng shòu xiāo shòu
零 售 销 售 税 (Retail Sales Tax)
Ok, that is all for today.
xiè xiè!
谢 谢 ! (Thanks!)
xià cì jiàn
下 次 见! (See you next time!)