Chinese Language Learning Program
Lesson 182 – How to use “chě, chèn and bù rú” from
Conversation 8
Hello, everyone. Welcome back. This is Baixue’s Chinese
Language Learning Program. Last time we conversation 8 from the Chinese movie—不见不散 ( bú jiàn bú sàn). Today, we will learn several words
from conversation 8.
扯 (pull ; tear ; buy ; chat ; gossip)
yǒu rén chě tā de tóu fǎ.
有 人 扯 她 的 头 发。(Someone pulled her hair.)
tā chà diǎn bǎ wǒ de dà yī chě pò le.
她 差 点 把 我 的 大 衣 扯 破 了。
(She almost tore my coat.)
yǎn jiǎng zhě rào zhe zhǔ tí xián chě le hǎo jǐ gè xiǎo
演 讲 者 绕 着 主 题 闲 扯 了 好 几 个 小 时.
(The speaker rambled on about the topic for hours.)
bié chě yuǎn le.
别 扯 远 了. (Stick to the point.)
(Don't stray from the point.)
hái zi men chě zhe sǎng zi chàng gē.
孩 子 们 扯 着 嗓 子 唱 歌.
(The children bawled out the songs.)
趁 (take advantage of ; take this opportunity to;
oneself of; while)
tā hěn nǎo huǒ. chèn tā hái méi yǒu fā zuò, wǒ men gǎn
他 很 恼 火。 趁 他 还 没 有 发 作,我 们 赶 快
lí tā yuǎn diǎn
离他 远 点 儿。
(He's pissed. Let's get out of his way before he starts losing
his temper.)
wǒ xiǎng chèn zhè ge jī huì jiǎng jǐ jù huà.
我 想 趁 这 个 机 会 讲 几句 话。
(I'd like to take this opportunity to say a few words.)
chèn tā hái méi lái,
wǒ xiān gào sù nǐ.
趁 他 还 没 来,我 先 告 诉 你。
(I am telling you first before he arrives.)
xū! zán men xiàn zài chèn bié rén méi kàn jiàn shí zǒu
嘘!咱 们 现 在 趁 别 人 没 看 见 时 走 吧!
(Shh! Let's get out now before they see us!)
bù rú
不 如 (not equal to; not
as good as;
to;cannot do better than)
wǒ de yīng yǔ xué dé bù rú tā hǎo.
我 的 英 语 学 得 不 如 他 好。
(My English is not as good as his.)
bù rú zán liǎ zhè ge zhōu mò chū qù dù jià ba?
不 如 咱 俩 这 个 周 末 出 去 度 假 吧?
(Why don't you and I
go for a vacation this weekend?)
tā xǐ huān yǔ nà xiē
zhì lì shuǐ píng bù rú tā de rén gòng chǔ.
他喜 欢 与 那 些 智 力 水 平 不 如 他 的 人 共 处。
(He preferred the
company of those who were intellectually
inferior to himself.)
Ok, that is all for today.
xiè xiè!
谢 谢 ! (Thanks!)
xià cì jiàn
下 次 见! (See you next time!)
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